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Usdaw President opens the 2018 Annual Delegate Meeting

Date: 22 April 2018 Shopworkers’ trade union President Jeff Broome today opened Usdaw’s 72nd Annual Delegate Meeting at the Winter Gardens in Blackpool.
The President highlighted the union’s successful recruitment efforts, along with the campaigning work for equalities and workers’ rights. He also celebrated the lifelong learning Usdaw organises and made a rallying call to support Labour in the local elections as the next step towards defeating the Conservatives at the next general election.
Jeff Broome – Usdaw President said: “I’m happy to say we are still growing and progressing as a union – we have over 432,000 members. Even in these toughest of economic times Usdaw’s membership has remained stable. In the face of falling membership across the TUC, the hard work of our reps and recruiters has kept us going.
“Equalities issues embody the work we do as a union. Fairness. Compassion. Support and our campaign work reflected this as always. Our spotlight day was themed around ‘A Difficult Balancing Act’, looking at the very real issues many grandparents face, with juggling working and caring for grandchildren. Nearly two-thirds of all grandparents are regularly looking after grandchildren aged under 16. Often unrecognized and unsupported – without grandparents, many parents simply wouldn’t be able to return to work – with the crippling cost of private childcare pricing people out of the world of work. Lack of support at work means that for many grandparents balancing work and caring for grandchildren is difficult, sometimes impossible. Usdaw thinks grandparents deserve better and the campaign was a huge success.
“Usdaw has also developed an excellent new pack to help reps to address mental health issues in their stores. ‘It’s Good To Talk’ isn’t about flashy banners, teddies or even really leaflets – but encouraging and supporting reps to sit down and make time to have face-to-face conversations with people. To listen and to be a supporting friendly point of contact. This quiet calm approach shows the other side of the important work you all do as reps. Supporting people who may be vulnerable, ill, or even just lonely. It’s just another way Usdaw is reaching out to its members in these troubling times and this is why Usdaw has got a name as the Campaigning Union.
“Our agenda of fairness for ordinary hardworking people runs through all the issues we tackle. Issues facing our members and their families like: Sunday opening; low pay and the cost of living; short hours contracts, and safety and security at work.
“We have also campaigned to support our members in developing their learning and skills. Our award winning Checkout Learning Campaign has once again delivered meaningful work. Changing our members lives for the better.
“Despite the efforts of the Prime Minister and the destructive Tory government we are showing that we will not rest, we will keep working for working people. We’re about to have an opportunity to show the government that the Labour Movement will never stop fighting, still has the strength to succeed and together we will win back seats for Labour at the local elections in May. Because trade unionists like us understand, unity is strength. But the Tories with their paper thin majority in government are not afraid to show who they really are. A government of the rich, not the workers, of cuts to the most vulnerable, to public services and benefits; of falling pay, and of attacks on the strength of trade unions. It’s a government we’ve got to get rid of because it’s a government that doesn’t care about you and me. So it’s up to us now – with the local elections coming up – to get the message out there. Having those conversations with friends and relatives, talking to colleagues in the staff canteen
“We must remind people that Labour gave us the minimum wage, and Labour have pledged to strengthen the Living Wage for all workers not, just over 25s. Labour will stop exploitative zero hours contracts. Labour will scrap the bedroom tax. And Labour will hold big business and the banks to account.
“In these tough times we need to stick together and say enough is enough. So on that rather energetic point – let’s get cracking with ADM.”
Notes for editors:
Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is the UK's fifth biggest and the fastest growing trade union with over 430,000 members. Membership has increased by more than 28% over the decade. Most Usdaw members work in the retail sector, but the union also has many members in transport, distribution, food manufacturing, chemicals and other trades.

For Usdaw press releases visit: http://www.usdaw.org.uk/news and you can follow us on Twitter @UsdawUnion

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