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State Pension Entitlement for Women: Did you pay a reduced rate of National Insurance known as 'Married Women’s Stamp?'

Date: 25 November 2019 If the answer is “yes” carry on reading...
The new State Pension was introduced on 6 April 2016 and is applicable to anyone reaching State Pension Age after that date. The actual amount of State Pension you will receive however is based on your own National Insurance contribution (NIC) record.

In the past working women were allowed and often encouraged to opt to pay a reduced rate of NICs-also known as the “Married Women’s Stamp” and they were then allowed to claim a partial State Pension based on the National Insurance record of their husband. However, as the new State Pension system is now based on an individual’s own NIC record it could disadvantage some women who paid the reduced rate of NI.

It is not well publicised but the new State Pension has a special concession. In order to qualify you must have paid the Married Women’s Stamp for at least 1 year during a period of 35 years, prior to your State Pension Age. And your State Pension Age would need to be on or after 6 April 2016.

If you meet this criterion you should be in a position to claim a minimum payment. 

The rate payable is £129.20 per week (2019/20) if you are divorced or widowed or £77.45 per week - if you are married.

If you think you  qualify and you are receiving or due to receive a substantially reduced amount of State Pension (ie less than £77.45 per week) we would urge you to check with the Government Pension Service to see if you are entitled to a higher pension.

You can access the Pension Service website at: https://www.gov.uk/contact-pension-service or Telephone: 0800 731 7898.

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