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Usdaw and Tesco working together during Covid-19

Date: 20 March 2020 Usdaw and Tesco have been working together during these difficult times to provide our members with the support and financial certainty they need. Usdaw welcomes and commends the steps that Tesco have taken to support their colleagues and will continue to work with the business as the situation develops.
Tesco colleagues have been at the forefront of dealing with mass panic buying and taken the brunt of a great deal of customer worries. Our members deserve support, respect and appreciation for everything that they are doing.
Everyone in Tesco is playing a role in supporting the nation, and I welcome the fact that Government has included food retail and distribution workers in their list of essential workers in response to the current pandemic, following the joint efforts of Usdaw and Tesco. This recognises the critical role our members play every day in supporting customers and local communities, but even more so in this current emergency.

Usdaw and Tesco have been working together in partnership to ensure that colleagues, and their loved ones health, safety and wellbeing is treated as a priority.

Tesco have put in place an advanced package of support and financial provision for colleagues across the Company. Tesco have agreed that contractual pay provisions will be received by all affected colleagues from day one. Usdaw welcomes these measures, which demonstrate that Tesco are putting their colleagues welfare at the heart of all of their decision making.

This guarantees those with symptoms of COVID-19 or living in a household showing symptoms, or being classed as vulnerable (i.e. those over 70, with underlying conditions, or who are pregnant) will receive contractual pay if they are following government guidance to stay off work.

It is vital that Usdaw members and Tesco colleagues are protected financially during this period of uncertainty and I believe that through joint efforts Usdaw and Tesco have achieved this.

Usdaw continue to work closely with the Company as the situation develops to ensure our members are supported. It is important that we continue to do this so these critical workers can continue to ensure essential food products and service are maintained.

Pauline Foulkes and Joanne McGuinness, Usdaw National Officers.

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