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Next Rep Elections 2021

Date: 04 October 2021 In October, the process for electing Usdaw/Sata reps at Next sites both locally and nationally (including RSCs and transport) will begin, following the timetable set out below.

Mark Todd - Usdaw National Officer says: "I want to acknowledge the dedication of all our reps who work so hard to support, advise, represent and recruit members in Next.

"Usdaw/Sata membership in Next has grown steadily over the years, which is an incredible achievement considering the level of change across the business in recent years, as well as the impact of COVID and the downturn in the economy.

"The past 18 months have demonstrated more clearly than ever the importance of a strong Union and rep team for our members. Usdaw/Sata has managed to secure vital, lifesaving support for our members in Next throughout the pandemic. But we couldn’t have done that without our reps, and the work they do every day, building our membership, strength and influence within Next. Because the bedrock of a strong union is its reps and members. Reps have been there to support our members first hand during this incredibly difficult time, putting their own concerns aside to provide crucial help and assistance. However, it’s not just during a pandemic that reps are important. They play a major part in resolving day-to-day issues at work, and wider issues around pay, as well as managing change, and jointly solving problems.

"Being a rep can be challenging, but it is also incredibly rewarding, because reps make a real difference for their members every day. Whether that’s during a reorganisation, helping members find the answer to a problem, or supporting them in formal and informal meetings. Many reps also find that it is a great opportunity for personal development. As a new rep, you won’t be alone. You will have the support of a network of experienced reps. You will receive training to develop and enhance your knowledge, skills, and confidence. Your Area Organiser, the Union’s Research and Policy team, and our Legal, H&S, Pensions and Equalities experts are all on hand.

"Prior to this communication, we have already agreed the number of reps required for the areas/sites within the organisation, and these will be displayed on the nomination forms during the process”.

Election Process Timetable

  • 4 October 2021 – 17 October: Communications period runs.
  • 18 October 2021 - 31 October: Nominations period (displayed on union notice boards).
  • 1 November 2021 – 7 November: Administration period, to verify ability to stand (warnings/length of service and membership).
  • 8 November 2021 - 21 November: Balloting period for reps if required (in cases where there is more than one nomination for the site/area to be represented).
  • Thereafter elected reps are informed.
If the idea of becoming a rep appeals to you, you think someone would make a good rep, or you need further information, please contact your Area Organiser on 0800 0308030 or email us on [email protected].

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