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Paddy Lillis addresses the TUC mass rally in Westminster: General Election NOW #DemandBetter

Date: 02 November 2022 Retail trade union leader Paddy Lillis has this evening addressed a TUC mass rally at Central Hall in Westminster, setting out the case for a new deal for workers in the midst of a cost of living crisis.
The rally also heard from frontline workers and trade union leaders from across the movement including: Frances O’Grady (TUC); Sharon Graham (Unite); Gary Smith (GMB); Mary Bousted (NEU); Patrick Roach (NASUWT); Mark Serwotka (PCS); Jo Grady (UCU); Paul Fleming (Equity); Gill Walton (RCM); Mick Lynch (RMT); Dave Ward (CWU); Maria Exall (CWU); Sue Ferns (Prospect); Matt Wrack (FBU), and Charlie Gray (TUC Young Workers).
Paddy Lillis – Usdaw General Secretary said: “Tonight we have heard voices from right across the trade union movement, from public sector and private sector. In times like this we have to stand together. Together our voices are loud and clear. We will not accept poverty pay and insecure work. We will not accept children going hungry, or public services stripped back to the bone. We will not accept yet another Tory Prime Minister treating this country like their plaything.
“Workers deserve better, and workers demand better. Workers in retail and distribution already had it tough before this cost of living crisis. They face abuse from the public on a daily basis. All too often they are underpaid, undervalued and overworked. And now they are facing eye-watering bills, spiralling food costs and a mounting housing crisis.
“What do you cut back on, when you’re already living week to week without any money to spare? You cut back on eating or heating or both. One in four retail and distribution workers has missed meals every month to pay their bills. More than 70% say that finances are affecting their mental health. Nearly a third won’t be switching the heating on at all this winter, because they are so worried about the costs. We cannot and we will not let this happen.
“We will mobilise for a General Election get this Tory Government out. We will organise every worker, in every workplace, to win a New Deal. A minimum wage that people can actually live on; secure hours and an end to zero hours contracts; sick pay for everyone, from day one of illness; stronger redundancy rights; fairness, equality and a stronger voice at work. And we will push back against the Tories’ attempts to divide us.
“It’s tough out there, but we won’t stop pushing for better pay and conditions. This is an emergency and we are taking emergency measures. We aren’t waiting for the pay reviews to start. We aren’t waiting for the next minimum wage increase. In retail, we’ve won an extra pay rise for Sainsbury’s workers, six months before their pay review was due, and free food for workers during their shifts. We’ve won an extra pay rise for our Tesco retail members too, which will be paid this month, and we’re opening next year’s negotiations early. In many of our distribution agreements, we have won double digit pay rises for members.
“We have not been afraid of using the threat of industrial action where necessary and we’ve stood up against Tesco’s fire and rehire tactics in distribution. We are taking them all the way to the Supreme Court to protect our members. We won’t give in. We will stand up for our members and we will fight for them. And we will keep building a stronger union movement to win decent work, fair pay and dignity for all workers. Solidarity!”
Notes for editors:
Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is the UK's fifth biggest trade union with around 360,000 members. Most Usdaw members work in the retail sector, but the union also has many members in transport, distribution, food manufacturing, chemical industry and other trades.
For Usdaw press releases visit: http://www.usdaw.org.uk/news and you can follow us on Twitter @UsdawUnion

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