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Environment Crossword

According to Unionlearn and the TUC “Climate Change and environmental issues at work are increasingly moving up the trade union agenda. Unions are working together and forming partnerships to tackle what is seen by many as the biggest issue of the 21st Century – and one aspect of this is the way that unions will work to ensure workers have an opportunity to develop the new skills needed for a low carbon economy.

Developing green skills at work has the potential to offer a wide range of exciting opportunities to workers across the UK, and the trade union movement will be leading the way in supporting the fight against climate change and helping workers build the skills that will be part of the solution.”

Check your knowledge of environmental issues by completing our crossword, if you are not sure of an answer feel free to use the internet to investigate further before completing.

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DD/MM/YYYY eg. 21/09/1979

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The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers