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Me, Work and the Menopause

Puzzled By Pensions? Could the Menopause Be Impacting Your Pension?

Research by Wales TUC found that 8 out of 10 women said their menopause symptoms had a significant impact on them at work.

Some women feel they have no option but to give up their jobs or take early retirement because of menopausal symptoms. But giving up work or reducing the hours you work will undoubtedly have a financial impact, not only as your income reduces or stops, but in turn this will also have a knock-on effect with reduced pension pots.

This leaflet
aims to address this.

View our leaflet >>

Menopause Talking Toolkit

The Talking Toolkit can be used to help open-up and guide conversations with members about how the menopause is affecting them at work and vice versa.

View the toolkit >>


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