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Ban Conversion Therapy

Each Pride season we celebrate progress in LGBT rights achieved through hard work and campaigning by Unions and LGBT activists.

While so much progress has been made towards LGBT equality, there is always more work to do, and in many parts of the world hard fought for LGBT rights are being attacked.

In the UK, the government have moved away from commitments made in the 2018 LGBT Action Plan aimed at improving the lives of LGBT people. This is adding to a hostile environment for LGBT people where the promotion and practice of conversion therapy is still not illegal.

Conversion therapy is any kind of medical, psychologic, religious or other form of intervention that seeks to erase, repress or change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. All major UK therapy professional bodies and the NHS disagree with it on logical, ethical and moral grounds.

We all have the right to feel safe to be ourselves and to live without shame and fear. But conversion therapy is more common than you might think in the UK.

The 2018 National LGBT Survey people revealed that 7% of LGBT+ people have been offered or undergone conversion therapy, with this almost doubling for trans respondents (13%).

Following the publication of the report, the Government pledged to ban conversion therapy in the UK.

Three years later, we are still waiting. Instead of acting, the government plan to launch another consultation delaying much needed legal protection.

We want to see urgent action from government to ban this cruel practice in all its forms, along with properly funded support services for survivors.

You can help to support a ban on conversion therapy in the UK.

Just follow the link to the Stonewall campaign below to email your local MP. Don’t worry if you don’t know who your MP is, all you need is your postcode.


Let’s tell government to act now to ban conversion therapy and support LGBT people.

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