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Campaigns & Pensions

Our aim is to get members talking about pensions and making plans for their retirement, even if that is many years ahead.

Hold a Pensions Awareness Day

Many reps have run Pensions Awareness Days to promote the issue and give out information to members.

You don't have to be pensions experts to run one of these days!
Excellent leaflets, booklets and posters are available from Usdaw’s experts in the Pensions Section at Head Office.
Pensions and Redundancy Guide Pensions Guide Understanding Your State Pension Pensions-Jargon Buster Guide Auto-Enrolment Guide Guide to Pensions Tax

PAD in a Bag

We have adapted our Pensions Awareness Day materials to make it easier for you to hold a campaign day. Now you can just put the relevant materials in one of our paper bags and hand them out!

Are you a rep looking for inspiration?

Top Tips

  • Your Pensions Awareness Reps' Toolkit contains everything you need to hold a Pensions Awareness Day in your workplace. Order a Toolkit from us today by emailing [email protected] or call 0161 224 2804.

  • Discuss holding the day with the relevant manager, agree a suitable date, time and venue – remember you are helping your employer to promote a valuable company benefit, so it’s in the company’s interest too.

  • Contact Usdaw’s Pension Section in the Legal Department at Head Office and we will send you lots of pensions materials to set up a stall or noticeboard at work.

Photo courtesy of Tracey Davies, Union Learning Rep.

Worried about answering member’s queries?

You don’t need to be a pensions expert to hold a Pensions Awareness Day. If you do receive any enquiries simply signpost them on to the pensions team. We can supply you with posters promoting the pension helpline telephone number. You can also ask members to contact us via our 'Ask a Question postcards. Get in touch with us for a supply.

Remember - we are here to help you.

How this helps you

The campaign gives member and reps the knowledge to help them make informed decisions about their future. It can also be a great way of ‘breaking the ice’ which can in turn help recruit new members.


Photo courtesy of Rosie Harvey-Coggins, Union Learning Rep.



“I would recommend any rep supporting an USDAW Pensions Awareness Day in their workplace. It is a fantastic way of raising pension awareness and a valuable recruitment tool – we recruited 20 new members for the Union!"
Simon Willmott, Rep

“The merchandise and information provided was simple and clear to put across, reps felt confident in giving the information and this was evident in the feedback from the colleagues.”
- Carol Entwisle, Rep

"People were taking things away to look at and it made them actually think about their pensions."
- Rachel Margetson, Rep

“Since the Pension Awareness Days more employees have requested pension statements, and the younger generation within the stores have talked about pensions through word of mouth.”
- Lillias Peden, Rep

“ Out of the three campaigns I've done so far on the Union Academy this has been the most popular." 
- Jason Astell, Rep


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