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Can I delay taking it?

You don’t have to claim your State Pension as soon as you reach State Pension age.

You can delay (or defer) claiming your State Pension which means that you will get extra State Pension when you do claim it. The extra amount will be paid as extra pension (not as a lump sum) but remember it may be taxable.

How much extra pension depends on how long you delay claiming it. The longer you leave it the more you will get.
You will need to delay at least 9 weeks - your Sate Pension will increase by 1% for every 9 weeks that you put off claiming. This works out at just under 5.8% for every full year that you put off claiming.

After you claim, the extra amount you receive will usually increase each year in line with inflation.

For more information: Deferring your State Pension

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