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Usdaw’s Political Work

Usdaw’s political work is about raising issues with politicians and ensuring that the concerns of Usdaw members are heard. This is part of how we campaign to improve workers’ rights.

Collectively, Usdaw members have decided that the Labour Party best represents their interests and because of this, Usdaw is affiliated to the Labour Party.
But we will lobby the government – no matter who it is – as well as politicians from all political parties, to further the causes of our members. This work ensures that the voices of ordinary working people are heard by those who are in power.
Usdaw’s Political Fund has helped us to campaign for our members on:
  • Sunday Working
  • Minimum Wage and Living Wage
  • Parents and carers’ rights
  • Freedom from fear / Respect in the workplace
  • Better rights for agency workers
  • Tackling insecure work such as zero-hours and short-hours contracts
Our leaflet below, ‘Winning for Members’ gives more details of Usdaw’s successful campaign work.



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The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers