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Assessment is important in subjects like English, Maths and IT. Starting at too higher level is frustrating, too lower level leads to boredom. Neither are good for motivation.

Check your level of IT skills & knowledge with our new assessment tool from the Learning Curve Group (LCG). You can register here. The passkey needed to access the form is ‘12345’. Enter this with your details then simply complete the assessment at your own pace. Once completed you will be contacted by an advisor from LCG who will recommend a digital skills course for you at the appropriate level.

Skillcheck can be used to assess your English, Maths and Digital Skills (and others). You can use it on your tablet/computer or download the app for either Apple or Android phones, but you will need to register to use Skillcheck

Value my skills is another tool from Unionlearn, based on their popular card based tool, this online version allows you to explore and recognise your own skills and qualities.

The National Numeracy Challenge can be a useful tool for assessing your Maths level, visits the Maths section or go straight to the National Numeracy Challenge site.

If you wish to check your digital skills, we are working with Learning Curve Group to provide you with an assessment which links you into an accredited course at an appropriate level or some informal learning to brush up your skills.

learnmyway.com offer Maths and English assessments once you have registered online.

learnenglish.britishcouncil.org has an assessment tool for those who speak english as a second language.

nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk offers a skills health check once you have registered.

If you have a question about learning please contact us.

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