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Redundancy Support

This page is for Usdaw members who face the uncertainty of redundancy or who just want to keep their CV up to date. The pages on English, Maths and Digital Skills are also useful.

Usdaw’s Bitesize Learning
Usdaw has developed a bite size course on producing a CV using word processor software. CV Writing Course

Unionlearn has created Career zone to provide a 'one-stop-shop' for career information. They use official 'Big data' sources to power a comprehensive careers directory, and combine this with data analysis, videos, guidance and many other resources including analysis, comparison and careers information on pay, hours, demand and the gender pay gap.

Worksmart contains advice and information on your rights when being made redundant and contains links to other advice.

National Careers Service can put you in touch with an advisor for a face-to-face interview and gives you tools, resources and advice on skills, interviews, CVs and careers. For a bit more information please watch this short video about the service. 

Job Centres can help you to find local information on vacancies and search for jobs. There is also information on benefits and training.

Money Helper is a free online financial health checker tool providing unbiased advice from building your savings to repaying debt, giving you a clear picture of where you stand with your finances and helping you change the way you think about your money.  You can access tailor made advice plans with simple tasks you can start straight away and step-by-step tips to help you along the way.

If you are in Northern Ireland the Careers Service NI would be a specific resource to help support adults going through redundancies.

Redundancy support in Scotland is coordinated by PACE (Partnership Action in Continuing Employment). You can get coordinating support and advice from 22 organisations, everything from CV building to understanding benefits. More information is available from Skills Development Scotland and through My World of Work.

If you live in Wales Working Wales can help you to get into a job, up-skill through courses and training, and find the support and funding opportunities such as ReAct Plus.

Wranx offers a range of bitesize app based repetition courses; a number of courses are useful for members facing redundancy including Maths, English and ICT. Find out more.

Sites that can help you develop the skills to find a new job include:

dayjob.com has advice and templates for CVs and covering letters.

You can also download one of the following CV templates below for further help:​
Simple CV Template
Detailed CV Template

If you have a question about learning please contact us.

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