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Respect for Retail Workers Summer Campaign

Date: 23 - 29 August 2021 Location: Nationwide
We've been running our Freedom From Fear Campaign since 2002.

Usdaw’s survey results have shown a troubling increase in violence and abuse against retail workers in recent years — with another significant increase in 2020 during the Coronavirus crisis.

We know our members suffer appalling abuse and violence while at work, however the official retail crime figures don’t always reflect the true picture. This is because not all retail crime is reported.

We are asking reps to run a one-day campaign in their store, any day between the 23 - 29 August 2021.

The campaign can be anything from a stall in your canteen, to a few simple conversations with colleagues (please see below for more ideas). Whatever the format of your campaign – there are three simple actions we are focusing on, to engage with staff in your store:
  1. Talk to members and non-members about Usdaw’s Freedom From Fear campaign. Encourage all staff in your store to report every incident of violence or abuse to store management and to the police if necessary.
  2. Ask members and non-members to fill in the Freedom From Fear survey.
  3. Ask any non-members who engage with the campaign to join Usdaw!

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The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers