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Join Usdaw

Apply to have membership fees deducted straight from your pay, or set up a direct debit.

Membership rate and cash benefits

Membership starts from just £2.78 per week. Can you afford not to join Usdaw?

01 October 2024

Good reasons to join

There are a whole host of reasons to join Usdaw.

01 July 2024

How to join

The ways to join and how to pay

08 October 2024

Who can join Usdaw?

Usdaw is here to help you whatever your job and no matter whether you are employed on a full-time, part-time or casual basis.

Usdaw’s Political Fund

Most Usdaw members are part of the Union’s political fund. This means that a small amount of their union subs goes into the Fund to help Usdaw successfully campaign on issues that matter to members.

10 June 2024

Free accident and injury cover

Our legal service is entirely free for members and can help you with accidents, employment problems, will writing and much more!


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Member offers

You and your family will get the best deals on everything from theme parks and home insurance to great discounts at high street shops and restaurants.

Recruit a friend

You could win shopping vouchers worth £250.