Usdaw runs two Summer Schools every year. These six-day residential courses are held at Hillscourt, Birmingham during September.
Usdaw offers a range of courses to develop your skills and knowledge.
Find out more about all the ways you can continue learning and developing whilst carrying on with your work.

Online Learning Gateway
Find what learning options are available and show you where to go for help and advice.
Online Learning Gateway
Pensions Home Study
The best way to improve your knowledge and increase your confidence when dealing with pensions is to sign up for our Online Pensions Home Study Course.
Pensions home study
Lifelong Learning
Thousands of members have returned to learning to study basic maths and English, IT, and introductory language classes. Courses in sign language, digital photography and others have proved popular too.
Lifelong learningBecome a Learning Rep
Union Learning Reps are a type of trade union Activist that have legal rights similar to those of other union reps.
They work through the Union to help members get access to learning opportunities and enable them to brush up or learn new skills.
Learn more about Usdaw
Our free home study course can be completed at home in your own free time.
There are five units to help members find out more about the Union, without tests or much writing.
View moreWranx Learning
11 August 2022
The Usdaw Home Study (Leaflet 130)
12 September 2022
Training for Members - Summer Schools (Leaflet 431)
23 November 2021
Training for Members - The Open University (Leaflet 367)
14 September 2022
Training for Members - Federation Schools and Education (Leaflet 297)
26 July 2022