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GDPR – What You Need to Know as an Usdaw Rep

Date: 24 May 2018 As you are no doubt aware from 25 May the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force.
GDPR isn’t as complicated as you may think and we have produced a short online interactive guide to help you better understand what GDPR is all about. It should only take 20-30 minutes and it would be helpful if you could find time in the next couple of weeks to complete it. The guide will help make you aware of your responsibilities for data protection when carrying out your duties as a Rep.

Further guidance will be circulated over the next few weeks, but if you have any queries in the meantime, these can be emailed to Usdaw’s Data Protection Officer at: [email protected].

As a crucial part of your role as an Usdaw Rep, we will send you emails to keep you updated with news, information and member services which will help you to assist members and potential members.

We also want to let you know about changes to our Privacy Notice and how we process and store your personal data. You can read our Privacy Notice online and we encourage you to do this. From time to time we may also send you important information about the processing and administration of your individual membership.

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