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Membership rate

Usdaw's services and benefits package offers fantastic value for money and ranks amongst the very best of all Britain's Trade Unions, whilst ensuring the membership rate you pay remains one of the lowest

01 October 2024

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Weekly membership rate

Scale A  
£2.78 per week (Full/Part-time)  

Sickness grant*

Scale A C
Payment after continuous period of six weeks £40 £20
Payment after 20 weeks £140 £40
Payment after 40 weeks £105 £50
Payment after 52 weeks £140 £55

Permanent disablement grant

Scale A C
Total £5,250 £1,300
Partial £2,500 £625

Maternity, paternity and adoption benefit

Scale A C
Grant £40 £30

Death grant **

Scale A C
Funeral £925 £200
Industrial accident £8,000 £2,000
Non-industrial accident £2,500 £625

Dispute benefit

Scale A C
Weekly benefit £65 £65


*Please note each sickness grant is a ‘one-off’ payment for the period stated and is NOT payable weekly.

**Please note any member who transferred onto the free life/superannuated Scale B rate of membership is entitled to a death grant of £210.

Members and other payees will be requested to provide their bank account details for payment by bank transfer,  which is the default method of payment.

Payments are made within 30 days of receipt of the competed claim application by the Union’s Benefit Section.

Benefits are payable in accordance with the Union rule book and any entitlement depends on paying your contributions regularly and not falling into arrears. Benefits can only be claimed (except dispute benefit) after 12 months’ continuous membership. Further information in connection with the claiming of these benefits can be obtained from your Union rep/local office.

All rates correct at 29 June 2024.