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Business Secretary’s pro-business and pro-worker agenda provides a lifeline to the retail industry says Usdaw

Retail trade union Usdaw has welcomed a keynote speech by Jonathan Reynolds MP, Secretary of State for Business and Trade at the Labour annual conference in Liverpool. The Business Secretary outlined Labour’s plans for future economic growth, “to again give people the work, the wages, the prosperity and the living standards that everyone in Britain needs and everyone in Britain deserves.”

23 September 2024

0 min read

Addressing delegates, Jonathan Reynolds said: “We are not just tackling issues like business rates, but removing the wider barriers that speak to the heart of local economies. Making our high streets safe and vibrant once again including new measures to stop violence against shop workers and turning around derelict town centres.”

Responding to the speech Paddy Lillis – Usdaw general secretary says: “We welcome Labour’s new business secretary highlighting the important role of retail in our economy, as well as our high streets and communities. He rightly identifies the key issues that retail needs addressing. The cost of doing business with a rates system that desperately needs overhauling and spiralling retail crime are deeply damaging to the retail industry and our members.

“The scale of assaults, abuse and threats towards shop workers and extent of the retail crime epidemic has been a disgrace for many years. Usdaw has long called for action and we look forward to Labour delivering a much-needed protection of shop workers’ law; ending the indefensible £200 threshold for prosecuting shoplifters, which has effectively become an open invitation to retail criminals; and funding more uniformed officers patrolling shopping areas along with town centre banning orders for repeat offenders. 

“It is our hope that these new measures, which are also supported by retail businesses and employers, will help give shop workers the respect they deserve. Tackling retail crime isn’t just good for our members, it’s good for business. That’s a pro-business and pro-worker government in action.”

Notes for editors:

Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is one of the fastest growing unions in the TUC and the UK's fifth biggest trade union with around 360,000 members. Most Usdaw members work in the retail sector, but the union also has many members in transport, distribution, food manufacturing, chemical industry and other trades

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Retail trade union Usdaw has welcomed a keynote speech by Jonathan Reynolds MP, Secretary of State for Business and Trade at the Labour annual conference in Liverpool. The Business Secretary outlined Labour’s plans for future economic growth, “to again give people the work, the wages, the prosperity and the living standards that everyone in Britain needs and everyone in Britain deserves.”