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Retail at the heart of our communities, Usdaw launches a strategy for the workforce and industry

Shop workers’ trade union Usdaw has launched a new report on the state of the retail industry, which offers a blueprint for how it can be turned around. The report was launched at a fringe meeting, as part of the annual Labour conference in Liverpool. Chaired by Usdaw president Jane Jones, delegates heard contributions from British Retail Consortium chief executive officer Helen Dickinson OBE, Co-op Party general secretary Joe Fortune and Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis.

23 September 2024

0 min read

Usdaw’s latest report is calling for a plan for the future of retail work based on the following measures:

  • Better pay and secure work.
  • A new economic framework to support growth and drive investment in good quality retail jobs.
  • Retraining and upskilling with a focus on new technology, automation and the transition to net-zero.
  • Fair treatment and equality for all retail workers.
  • Stronger protections for retail workers, supported by their trade union.

Full report:

Addressing the fringe meeting, Paddy Lillis – Usdaw general secretary said: “It's no secret that the retail sector has faced longstanding challenges over the past decade. It employs nearly 3 million people and is the largest private sector employer in the UK. Not only is retail a fundamental part of our economy, but retail jobs also lie at the heart of our communities and town centres. 

“It's clear that significant challenges lie ahead for the retail sector, that's why I'm so proud to launch this report this evening. Something that not only identifies the issues affecting the sector, but sets out a programme of solutions that will benefit workers, communities and our economy.

“This isn't just about doing what is right for retail workers, it's about helping to deliver Labour's mission to rebuild Britian and kick start economic growth, because retail has huge economic potential. To unlock this potential, retail needs to be at the heart of the Government's industrial strategy. Under a Labour Government, we have the opportunity to achieve this.”

Helen Dickinson – BRC CEO said: “It was a joy to read the new Government’s manifesto, because there were so many things in there that have been so important to retail over the last few years. We have commitments to reform business rates, reform the apprenticeship levy and most significantly for the people who work in retail a doubling down on the epidemic of crime, shoplifting, violence and abuse. 

“We called our manifesto for retail ‘the everywhere economy’ and it has exactly the same messages as Usdaw’s ‘retail at the heart of our communities’ report, which underpin what we say and this report highlights. The fact is that retail has a presence in every single community and we are the largest private sector employer. With the right policy, regulatory landscape and tax regime the contribution of the industry can be so much greater. The reach and the scale of retail means that it can help the new Government achieve their aims.”

Joe Fortune – Co-op Party general secretary said: “It’s great see Usdaw’s strong support in the report for diverse ownership within retail. It’s clear to us in the Co-operative movement that a focus on one type of ownership isn’t working. It’s clear to us that what we need in our communities is much more diverse ownership models. We think there is an opportunity for co-operative and mutual growth on our high streets and we are ambitious for that growth.

“It’s good that the new Government is calling for and committed to doubling the size of the co-operative sector, which was in their manifesto. That is important to retail and communities because they will bring back life and people back to high streets to support retail. Allied to that is the community right to own, which will bring back assets to make hight streets thriving. We welcome that Usdaw is so supportive of our work and ambitions, as set out in the report.”

Notes for editors:

Usdaw (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers) is one of the fastest growing unions in the TUC and the UK's fifth biggest trade union with around 360,000 members. Most Usdaw members work in the retail sector, but the union also has many members in transport, distribution, food manufacturing, chemical industry and other trades

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Shop workers’ trade union Usdaw has launched a new report on the state of the retail industry, which offers a blueprint for how it can be turned around. The report was launched at a fringe meeting, as part of the annual Labour conference in Liverpool. Chaired by Usdaw president Jane Jones, delegates heard contributions from British Retail Consortium chief executive officer Helen Dickinson OBE, Co-op Party general secretary Joe Fortune and Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis.