Online Learning Gateway
Welcome to Usdaw’s Learning Gateway.
It will help you find what learning options are available and show you where to go for help and advice.
Click on the course below which best suits your interests. Most courses are free. We will tell you where there is a charge.
You may also have an Usdaw Union Learning Rep in your workplace that can help you.
Courses on offer

Digital skills
Digital skills are vital for everyone at work, at home, in their union and their local community. Many members lose out because of their lack of digital skills - don’t be one of them.

Apprenticeships and NVQs
Apprenticeships are now the major route for people to gain skills and qualifications at work. They are available at different levels.

Redundancy support
For Usdaw members who face the uncertainty of redundancy or who just want to keep their CV up to date.

Health and wellbeing
Courses, learning, and support for health and wellbeing of our reps and members.

Learning English helps in the workplace and outside. It also gives people a chance to gain nationally recognised qualifications.

Many members are keen to improve their maths skills. It helps in the workplace and gives people a chance to gain nationally recognised qualifications.

Many people are keen to learn a language. Just a few phrases can help you out on holiday or engage with a colleague at work.

Higher education
Higher Education is any study that leads to qualifications at level four or above - including Degrees, Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) and other qualifications.

Digital skills
Digital skills are vital for everyone at work, at home, in their union and their local community. Many members lose out because of their lack of digital skills - don’t be one of them.

Apprenticeships and NVQs
Apprenticeships are now the major route for people to gain skills and qualifications at work. They are available at different levels.

Redundancy support
For Usdaw members who face the uncertainty of redundancy or who just want to keep their CV up to date.

Health and wellbeing
Courses, learning, and support for health and wellbeing of our reps and members.

Learning English helps in the workplace and outside. It also gives people a chance to gain nationally recognised qualifications.

Many members are keen to improve their maths skills. It helps in the workplace and gives people a chance to gain nationally recognised qualifications.

Many people are keen to learn a language. Just a few phrases can help you out on holiday or engage with a colleague at work.

Higher education
Higher Education is any study that leads to qualifications at level four or above - including Degrees, Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) and other qualifications.

Digital skills
Digital skills are vital for everyone at work, at home, in their union and their local community. Many members lose out because of their lack of digital skills - don’t be one of them.

Apprenticeships and NVQs
Apprenticeships are now the major route for people to gain skills and qualifications at work. They are available at different levels.

Redundancy support
For Usdaw members who face the uncertainty of redundancy or who just want to keep their CV up to date.

Health and wellbeing
Courses, learning, and support for health and wellbeing of our reps and members.
Additional courses
Usdaw has a range of short bitesize learning opportunities that can be accessed at any time by members to test their knowledge or improve their skills.
An opportunity to access a wide variety of online courses for FREE or at a reduced rate.
Our online Pensions Home Study course will help you understand the different types of pension scheme on offer today and help you improve your pension knowledge.
Online British Sign Language courses.
Webinars are a great way for us to offer information and training sessions to members.
Wranx is an online training tool that uses repetition to increase knowledge retention even with as little as 2-3 minutes of training a day.
Group writing skills workshops, which have included letter and CV writing workshops, life writing and workplace writing skills workshops and webinars.