Usdaw has a range of short bitesize learning opportunities that can be accessed at any time by members to test their knowledge or improve their skills.
If you are a rep and running a campaign, you can incorporate these bitesize learning opportunities as a quick and simple way of making your campaign interactive. Click on a link below to access one of the courses.
Maths: These short bitesize covers will introduce the various elements of maths in the context of everyday subjects.

Maths and money matters
This bitesize course can help you get more comfortable with maths to make your money go further.
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Fit for maths
Want to to eat healthier, get fitter or lose weight? Usdaw’s new bitesize course, can help you make smart changes to help you achieve your goals.
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Shop 'til you drop
Try our quick bitesize maths course to help you work out the best deals on offer.
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Helping with homework
Usdaw's bitesize course is here to help – discussing common maths tricks to help you feel more confident and less nervous about maths.
Take the courseEnglish: The English section covers various fun and interesting themes to explore the common issues many people have with the English language such as comma use, apostrophes, and using where, we’re, were and wear.

More than words
Usdaw's new bitesize course and can help you make your tone clear and pick the right words for the people you're writing to.
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A play on words
A short course using famous quotes to help you learn some basic English rules and to avoid some of the common mistakes made with grammar.
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Quirks of the English language
The English language is a wonderfully strange beast. This is Usdaw's course on the nuances of English.
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Summertime song birds
A short course using famous song titles or lines to help you learn some basic English rules and to avoid some of the common mistakes made with grammar.
Take the courseICT: The need for Digital skills at home and in the workplace is growing all the time. In these short bitesize courses, we explore some of the key issues facing our reps and members, from using Word documents to social media and staying safe online. Since the start of the pandemic, people have been using Zoom to stay in touch. Why not try the Bitesize ‘Using Zoom’ course to find out more?

Using Zoom
This bitesize course is designed to help you understand how to use Zoom.
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Staying safe online
Usdaw believes that finding out a bit more about how to protect yourself online and learning a few simple tricks can greatly increase your online security.
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CV writing course
We've produced this course to help you create a great CV that'll catch the eye of any potential employer.
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The ABCs of ICT
In this bitesize course, we’ll cover three digital skills topics that will help you get you started on improving your digital skills.
Take the courseHealth: In this section, the short bitesize courses explore common mental or physical health issues that affect Usdaw members and reps.

H&S Support for Usdaw Reps
A reps course on health and safety support
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Mind your head
A course on mental health, how we can recognise these feelings and reactions in ourselves and potentially in others, and what we can do to promote better mental health.
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Looking after your mental health
This course has been developed to support reps and members to look after their mental health and aims to give a greater understanding of some common mental health conditions and experiences.
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Health & safety during Covid-19
Designed to help you understand what employers should be doing to protect the health and safety of their employees during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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The impact of Covid-19 on domestic violence
A reps course on domestic violence and the impact of Covid-19.
Take the courseUsdaw home study: The Usdaw home study courses allow our reps and members to understand how Usdaw works as a trade union, how all our structures fit together and how decisions are made.

Unity is strength
This course is about your trade union, the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers. It looks at the reasons why people join Usdaw and why we all need to be involved.
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Democracy in Usdaw
This course looks at the Union’s structure and organisation, how decisions are made and the importance of membership involvement.
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Collective bargaining
This course looks at the work of the Union, taking up members’ problems and negotiating with employers, to improve members’ wages and conditions.
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The best way to improve your knowledge and increase your confidence when dealing with pensions is to sign up for our online pensions home study course.
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Vulnerable workers
Gain an understand of vulnerable work and the role of trade unions in combating it.
Take the courseA member's guide to ADM: This bitesize course is designed to help Usdaw reps and members understand the proceedings at the Union's Annual Delegate Meeting (ADM).

Member's guide to ADM
This course helps Usdaw reps and members understand the proceedings at the Union's Annual Delegate Meeting (ADM)
Take the courseIntroduction to being a Branch Officer: This bitesize course is designed to help Usdaw reps and members understand the role of a Branch Officer.

Introduction to being a Branch Officer Course
This course aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the vital role branch officers play within Usdaw
Take the courseGeneral: In this section, we have a number of other short courses that can be completed to find out more about specific subjects or Usdaw campaign themes, such as Data Protection or Equality and Diversity.

Data protection
This bitesize course is designed to assist Usdaw Reps and Branch Officers comply with the rules under the Data Protection Act 2018.
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Equality and the Equality Act
This course will discuss why equality is still a workplace and trade union issue, explain what you can do if you see or experience inequality in your workplace and introduce you to the main legal protections around equality issues.
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Organising around equality issues at work
The course explores some of the provisions in the Equality Act and looks at how the Act can help (or not) in tackling some of the key equality issues for our members at the current time.
Take the courseThese bitesize courses have been designed to help new reps gain an understanding of the role and functions of an Usdaw Rep.
If you have a question about learning please contact us.