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Remember the Dead and Fight for the Living on Workers Memorial Day

Date: 27 April 2017 Friday 28 April is International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD), the day when trade unions across the world commemorate the millions of people across the globe who are killed or injured on workplace accidents or who die from work-related disease.
In this country the campaign group Families Against Corporate Killing (FACK) has issued a powerful statement to explain why International Workers’ Memorial Day is such an important event. The statement explains that the official statistics on work-related deaths are only part of the story.  It conveys some of the anger and pain that families feel when they lose a loved one to a work-related incident which could have been prevented by better management of safety and of health at work.

But the statement also covers the positive role of trade unions and explains why the international trade union movement has focussed on the safety and health risks caused by inequalities at work in this year’s campaign.
Read a copy of the FACK statement.

Usdaw is asking its members to share their views on the loss of friends and loved ones to work-related injury or disease and on the importance of strong safety and health protection at work on social media using the hashtag #IWMD17

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The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers