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Scottish Labour – Delivering for Usdaw Members

Usdaw members in Scotland have told us that they are ready for change; people feel let down by the Tories and the SNP. Labour in Scotland have laid out, in clear terms, how they will bring about the change to improve the lives of Usdaw members and their families.
Scottish Labour’s proposals include:
  • Delivering economic stability. Labour would introduce tougher spending rules, so we can grow our economy and keep taxes, inflation, and mortgages as low as possible.
  • Cutting NHS waiting times. 14 years of Tory chaos has left the NHS at breaking point. Labour will invest in our NHS and to fund 160,000 additional appointments every year in Scotland, paid for by cracking down on tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes.
  • Setting up Great British Energy. Labour knows that Scotland is and always will be the hub of power production in the UK. Labour will set up a publicly-owned clean power company, headquartered in Scotland, to cut bills for good and boost energy security, paid for by a windfall tax on oil and gas giants. 
  • Making work pay. Labour’s New Deal for Working People is a radical plan with a raft of changes to transform the working lives of Usdaw members in Scotland. Labour will deliver a genuine living wage for all adult workers, ban exploitative zero-hour contracts, end fire and rehire, and make many essential working rights ‘day-one’ rights – such as sick pay, protection from unfair dismissal, and flexible working.
  • Creating jobs and opportunities for young people. Labour is committed to improving the life chances of the next generation by improving access to apprenticeships, supporting first-time buyers and creating 69,000 Scottish jobs in the clean energy industries of the future.
  • Maximising Scotland’s influence. Labour have pledged to use the UK’s global trade networks to promote Scottish businesses, boost exports and attract investment to create jobs.
This election really is a chance for change. A Labour Government in Westminster that will listen to the people of Scotland. But only if we vote for a Labour Government on 4 July.

You can read the full Scottish Labour manifesto online.

For more information about how you can get involved to make sure we get a Labour Government on 4 July, please visit our How to Get Involved page.

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