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Welsh Labour – Delivering for Usdaw Members

Having a Labour Government is vital to Usdaw’s ability to deliver the best possible working lives for our members. Labour have pledged to make lots of changes that if elected, will improve the lives of not only Usdaw members but their families too.

On 4 July, we have a chance to see a Welsh Labour Government working in partnership with a Labour Government in Westminster. This is a chance to see the change that working people and their families need, across both Wales and the whole of the UK.

The Welsh Labour Government has worked hard to mitigate the worst effects of 14 years of Conservative policies of austerity, and failure to address the cost of living crisis and child poverty. So much more could be achieved with a Labour Government in Westminster.

As set out in the manifesto, Labour have a clear plan which builds on the work of the Welsh Labour Government with five missions for Wales. 

Labour’s Five Missions for Wales are:

  1. Get the British economy growing – Labour will implement the New Deal for Working People in full, reform business rates to level the playing field between our high streets and online giants, and build on projects like Superfast Cymru which delivered improved broadband to 121,000 premises. The Welsh Labour Government have already invested £100 million in Transforming Towns funding, to support vibrant high streets at the heart of local communities. 
  2. Unlock Wales’ green energy potential – Labour will build on the work of Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru and invest in clean energy to cut energy bills, create new high-paid jobs and make Britain energy independent. 
  3. Modernise our NHS – Labour will be a true partner to the Welsh Labour Government on the NHS and care support services, including cutting NHS waiting times, establishing a National Care and Support Service, and investment in the NHS workforce of the future with a new medical school in North Wales.
  4. Make streets in Wales safe – Labour will crack down on anti-social behaviour and shoplifting with more police officers and PCSOs in local communities, and will create a new specific offence for assaults on shopworkers that will protect them from threats and violence.
  5. Break down the barriers to opportunity – Labour will ensure free school meals and breakfasts for all primary school children, guarantee under-25s work, education, training or self-employment.

This election really is a chance for change. A Labour Government in Westminster will mean two Labour Governments working in partnership in Wales. But only if we vote for a Labour Government on 4 July.

You can read the full Welsh Labour manifesto online.

For more information about how you can get involved to make sure we get a Labour Government on 4 July, please visit our How to Get Involved page. 

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