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Log My Learning

Log-My-Learning-200w.jpgLots of Usdaw members do learning and don’t always remember or think to record it, to add to a CV or reflect on later. This is a chance for you create your own learning record and get your achievement acknowledged.

If you have completed some Lifelong Learning, training and development or other courses and you want it logging against your Usdaw learning record, please tell us by completing the form below, we will send you a digital certificate of acknowledgement and you may be featured as one of our star learners.

* Indicates required field

DD/MM/YYYY eg. 21/09/1979
The personal sensitive information we collect on this form is used by the Union to analyse the attendance of Usdaw members at Union courses. The data provided will also form part of anonymised data which may be forwarded to the TUC and other relevant organisations associated with Lifelong Learning. The information will be transferred to a secure database before the form is destroyed and the data shared only with Union personnel involved in administering the processes referred to above. The data will be retained for a period of 10 years or whenever you leave the Union, whichever is the sooner. View Usdaw's privacy notice.

Free prize draw

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The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers